We provide the tools so you can build community awareness.
Spread the word with the Rethink School Meals Media Toolkit! We are your partner – producing and offering media tools to help schools and communities get to know the industry better and see and taste the good work you’re doing for child nutrition.
QuickBites Newsletters
Boost school meal awareness with a monthly newsletter. Use the information to educate parents and students of the great work happening with your school nutrition program.
Promote the benefits of all the good that is happening with school meals by sharing these colorful, informative graphics with others in your community.
Get involved and spread the word.
Make Rethink materials easily accessible as well as featured on your school’s website.
Utilize infographics within your newsletters, emails or other school communications.
Include the Rethink logo along with the website URL where menus are displayed.
Post information on your social media channels and encourage all school administrators, faculty and staff to share and increase awareness.
Provide handouts to parents during parent- teacher conferences or PTO meetings or send home with students in take-home envelopes.
Expand your marketing efforts with local businesses and government by encouraging partnerships to promote the Rethink School Meals Program.
Participate in local events where people can sample items from your menu.
Generate excitement with your students by nominating a School Meal Hero!
Nutrition Education for Families
Family-friendly education sheets are full of nutrition and safety information. Send them home to help parents prepare well balanced at-home meals.
School Meal Hero Videos
Meet the people making a difference! We’ve received nominations from around the country recognizing some of the great child nutrition professionals making a difference in rethinking school meals.
Rethink School Meals Logos
Represent your school’s efforts to Rethink school meals by proudly displaying the logo. Make a statement and lead the way promoting healthy school meal discovery, one bite at a time.

Join the Movement.
Utilize this media toolkit and help your community know about the good work that is happening in your district and what the Rethink Movement is about.