Monica Zamora



Monica, Central Kitchen, has been a superhero since she started here in Rialto but this school year she has really gone above and beyond for our service area and for our scholars! Monica not only Supervises the Central Kitchen but she also recently has had to take on the role of a field supervisor while our other supervisor is working on a special project. Monica has kept 14 schools (10 elementary, 4 secondary) running seamlessly while also training and running the Central Kitchen. I know she is a duck in water (calm up top but underneath, her feet are kicking to stay afloat) but you would never know it. She says, “It has to be done”, and she makes things work. She has an amazing team behind her in the kitchen, and they all communicate effectively to be sure they roll out BIC, lunch, supper and snack to our kiddos. Feeding our scholars and giving them nutritious meals so they can focus and learn is priority, and Monica recognizes that and is always giving her all to make sure everything is accomplished. Monica is a super superhero and a big “THANKS” to her and her team is 100% deserved.