Lauren Klein

Boca Raton


Lauren, Waters Edge Elementary, had five (yes, 5) separate nominations!

1) My daughter is in Kindergarten and Lauren noticed she was new to getting school lunch and was picking out the same uncrustable every day but not eating it. Lauren asked her about the foods she likes and helped make suggestions but was not pushy, she was very kind. She also knew me from school pickup and suggested cash online for my daughter to chose a snack each day. My daughter is now eating lunch and learning about making better choices thanks to Lauren helping to give her a voice. I can’t say enough about how much I appreciate this small kindness which has had a big affect on my daughter’s school days. I am relieved that someone was there for her when I couldn’t be. I hope Lauren can be recognized for this as she seems to be the very best of people and a wonderful child role model. We need more people like her!

2) Lauren Klein is amazing at supporting our students and teachers. She’s always there to provide support and an encouraging word. We love Lauren!!!

3) Lauren is always so friendly and is always smiling. Anytime I have had a question about lunch or the menu she is always happy to help. My daughter always tells me that she is helpful at lunch! We’re lucky to have her at our school.

4) She is a devoted mom who takes care of all the students each day as her own. Showing love and compassion for each of them by filling their bellies with healthy school lunches. Thank you Lauren!

5) Lauren is always the kindest and sweetest person in the WE school cafeteria. I was volunteering last year and she was always there to help the kindergarteners and to ensure everyone had a full tummy. She is always polite and caring with the kids and the staff. I am so glad she is there to watch over my kids during lunchtime. I love that she is a mom and part of our school family. She is always so cheerful and we are lucky to have her work with our community.